Finding Your Optimal Sexual Experience

Mainstream science hasn’t got much to offer when it comes to sex and love.

Ancient sciences of traditional Chinese and Indian medicines demonstrate 4000 years of observing the phenomena of bio-energy and have gone much further into the Mystery of Sex. If going further into the Mystery of Sex is also your wish we shall cover in our work following:

Psychosexual Education and Guidance

Consists of finding your sexual preferences, negotiating discrepancies, expressing your sexuality (conquering guilt, shame and embarrassment), deepening intimacy, deepening self care (including more self-compassion, acceptance and less self-criticism) and utilising the full power of your senses (touch, sight, voice, breath and movement).

Mindfulness and Sex

Themes explored: How to be fully present during sex instead of being focused on sexual performance. How to be optimally relaxed and aroused at the same time. Practising sex without pressure of reaching the end goal. How to be playful…or just yourself. How to not depend on spontaneous (biological) desire for sex.

Meditative Sexuality - Journey Beyond Orgasm

Find answers to: How is it possible for all men and women to be multi-orgasmic? How to use sex for expanding consciousness and maintaining health. Blending of sexual and emotional arousal. Increasing possibility of finding ecstasy during sex. What is the lifestyle that would prepare you for this practice?

Make an appointment


Mon. and Tue. 19:00 pm - 21:00 pm
Wed, Frid. and Sat. 9:00 am - 17:00 pm
Thur. 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm


Phone: 02081912848

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