

Aspects I will support you in include learning to relate to your own mind via different mindfulness skills, skills of self observation and acceptance. Often shame, guilt, fear and embarrassment can all affect sexual functioning.


Re-establishing or learning to have relationship with ones own physical body is vital too. We might also need to work on deepening intimacy, slowing down and staying fully present during any intimate activity.

My Style of Work

My Style of Work is Pragmatic, Fluid, Light Hearted, Open, Collaborative, Focused and Gradual. More details about what all that means you can find here:

My Style of Work

Difficulties that I most often encounter in my work

Sexual Difficulties:

Relationship Difficulties:

From personal experience, I know how difficult it can be to talk about any of the above-mentioned problems.

Therefore, I congratulate you in finding the courage to do so.

I would be honoured to assist you in your journey of healing or just a better understanding of sex and love in your

life and your relationship/s


Here is some important information for you to look at before we start our work together

Sessions are online so please make sure that you have good internet connection and bandwidth for audio / video calls, and that you are in a quiet and confidential room where you can’t be overheard. Mobile phones are not appropriate for this work and mobile phone internet is not stable. The best internet connection is via a wired (Ethernet cable) connection to a PC or Laptop.

Before start of the therapy it is important to have clear picture of your health. Many medical conditions can cause problems with sexual functioning. These conditions include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases, alcoholism and drug abuse. In addition, the side effects of some medications, including the most popular antidepressants can affect sexual function. Visiting your GP or a specialist before starting with therapy is strongly advised.

There will be experiential exercises for you to do at home. You’ll need to allocate at least 3 times one hour per week for these. These exercises will provide you with the opportunity to learn new skills and will help you to get to know yourself/partner better. You’ll be asked to share your experiences in sessions with me. This will shape the course of the therapy.

Reading materials chosen specifically for you will be emailed. There is no obligation to read these but may accelerate the progress made in therapy.

You will need to use Proton Mail (fully encrypted email between Proton Mail users) for emailing your ‘homework’, contract or any other personal or sensitive information about you. Please sign up for Proton Mail It takes just a couple of minutes and it is free.

It is professional requirement for me to provide you with a contract. This will be emailed to you after your initial assessment. This is why the first session is not a standard therapeutic session (unless it’s a One-off Single Session) but more of a “get to know each other” meeting. For the contract text, please click on the following link CONTRACT

Make an appointment


Mon. and Tue. 19:00 pm - 21:00 pm
Wed, Frid. and Sat. 9:00 am - 17:00 pm
Thur. 14:00 pm - 17:00 pm


Phone: 02081912848

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